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Welcome to the Auvergnois de Ponteix website. This organization is at the service of the French-speaking community of the Ponteix region. Its mission is to ensure the vitality of the local Francophonie and to promote its development. This dynamic community was founded in 1908 by French pioneers led by Father Albert-Marie Royer. Their perseverance, resourcefulness and values laid the foundation for a Franco-Catholic community today rich in history. We are proud to live in French in Ponteix, proud to belong to the Fransaskois community.

Welcome. Come discover us!

Upcoming Events

Serving our Francophone community

Cultural Center

There’s always something going on in Ponteix! The Auvergnois de Ponteix group organizes all types of cultural events including French concerts, workshops, and classes. There’s something for all age groups!

École Boréale School

This is where Ponteix’s next generation of Fransaskois students are learning the various life skills they will need to go out in the world. Great kids, great staff, and lots of fun!

We invite you to visit the school’s Facebook page to follow the students in their daily lives. They are the future of our community and we are very proud of them!


L'Eau Vive - Fransaskois Weekly News

This summer, Come Discover Us!

Come discover us Fransaskois Tourism CampaignN2

Les Auvergnois de Ponteix are proud to participate again this year in the province-wide #ComeDiscoverUs promotional campaign, organized by the Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan (CÉCS) in collaboration with the Marchildon Media marketing agency.

From April 4 to June 16, the #ComeDiscoverUs bilingual digital campaign will promote francophone communities and businesses across the province on social media networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter) to encourage Saskatchewanians to discover these charming French-speaking destinations. (By the way, if you see our posts, please click “Like” and “Share”!) As was the case last year, a “Sask Vacation Photos” contest will take place from May 18 to June 8 and a “Fransaskois Vacations” draw will take place on June 15 (details at the bottom of the page).

Last year, the #ComeDiscoverUs campaign allowed tens of thousands of Saskatchewan residents to discover Francophone tourist destinations located throughout the province. This year, the participants of the CÉCS project are the communities of: Gravelbourg, Ponteix, Regina, Moose Jaw, Zenon Park, Prince Albert, Debden as well as the Centre francophone BDS – which brings together the communities of Bellevue, Domremy and St. Louis. Participating businesses are: Champêtre County, Chez Nous B&B, Amaranth Designs, Susan Robertson Pottery, Prairie Angel Bakery & Pâtisserie, and Wood River Inn & Studio. By investing in the development of Fransaskois tourist destinations, the CÉCS wishes to support the local economy of these communities and businesses. The CÉCS has been involved in tourism for several years now as an economic development tool for Fransaskois communities.

This summer, explore one of Saskatchewan’s many French-speaking destinations. #ComeDiscoverUs!


Looking for local French products?



Gift bags





Maple syrup






Bison meat (Roberge Family Farm)


Ponteix, a great place to live!


Photo Credits

We would like to thank everyone who contributed photos and videos to our new website. As some photos were found online, it was not always possible to obtain permission from the photographers. If anyone wishes to have a photo removed, do not hesitate to contact the Auvergnois office in Ponteix.

Special thanks to the following contributors: Centre des Archives fransaskoises, Société historique de la Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan History & Folklore Society (Everett Baker Collection), Tourism Saskatchewan, Cindy Thibault, Walter Chizzini, Robert Carignan, Jean Liboiron Collection, Robert Chabot, L’Eau Vive, Société Radio-Canada, Saskatchewan Archives Board, Archives  de Ponteix

What our visitors are saying

A friend had told us about Ponteix. We stopped to take a selfie with "Mo' then we headed to town and checked out the beautiful church, then we located the Cultural Centre. It was closed that day, but next time we want to visit the museum!
Geneviève Bolduc
Montréal, Qc
I was born in Ponteix and it's always a pleasure to go back home. You can take the boy out of Ponteix, but you can't take Ponteix out of the boy!
Robert Chabot
Regina, SK
In Ponteix, people know each other well and the sense of community is strong.
Annette Labelle
Ponteix, Sk

Contact us

We’d love to hear from you!